Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)
The Annual Fire Safety Statement or AFSS is a document submitted by the building owner to their local council.
The AFSS outlines the essential fire safety measures that need to be maintained and serviced regularly. AFSS confirms that this routine maintenance has been completed and that a Competent Fire Safety Practitioner (CFSP) has attended the measures ensuring they are compliant.
AFSS is a strict requirement under the NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulations 2000. Annual certification is required for all Fire Protection and Engineering Solutions. Once the building has passed thorough inspection and testing, an AFSS Certificate will be issued to lodge with the council.

As of July 2021, the AFSS can only be completed by endorsing a CFSP- Competent Fire Safety Practitioner. The CFSP needs to be registered with the FPAA and provide an accreditation number that can be referred to and checked on the FPAA website for any particular fire safety measure listed.
This new regulation guarantees that a competent fire safety expert has inspected and certified your building. Aspire Fire Protection is accredited with all FPAA fire safety measures. After the certification has been issued, it must be displayed within the building where it is noticeable.
Annual Fire Safety Responsibility
Every year the owner of a building or premises must provide Local Council with a statement certifying that all fire-safety measures have been met.
This statement must be assessed by qualified personnel and be displayed prominently within the building.
The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 contains a list of statutory fire safety measures that may be installed in a building.
There may be some other measures, equipment or forms of construction that are not listed, which can be included to ensure the safety of persons in a building in the event of a fire.
These measures include installations, equipment or forms of construction that will protect occupants of a building in the event of a fire or other emergencies:
A Certificate cannot be issued unless all equipment is found to be compliant during the test. Should any equipment need repair, a report detailing the repairs required will be sent to you.
Building owners must be aware of these fire safety requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements is an offence and will render the owner liable to penalties. But more importantly, a failure to meet these requirements can significantly affect the levels of fire safety afforded to the occupants of the building, which may threaten their life safety and property, having significant liability implications for the building owner.
Final Fire Safety Certificate (FFSS)
For new or altered buildings, the first certificate, called a Final Fire Safety Certificate (FFSS), must be provided for each new or altered essential fire safety measure so that a Final Occupation Certificate can be granted for the building premise or in response to a fire safety order issued by Council.
A Final Fire Safety Certificate must be submitted before the issue of a Final Occupation Certificate, and it will certify that each of the specified essential fire safety measures is capable of operating to the performance standard listed in the Fire Safety Schedule.
Subsequently, an Annual Fire Safety Statement must then be issued every year. On completion of any installation, Aspire Fire provides you with all the relevant certifications, including FFSS.
Setting the benchmark in fire safety
From installation to service Aspire Fire Protection is your one-stop fire safety provider